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Finding Serenity

My first romance novel Finding Serenity will be coming out in 2022! 


To stay updated on when my book will be available follow me on social media and subscribe to my mailing list here. 


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I listened to A LOT of music while writing this book.


Finding Serenity playlist

I created a "mood playlist" of songs that are mentioned in the book, as well as music that fit the vibe and inspired me through my writing process. 


Old Fashion playlist

I mention many songs in the book and I turned them into a playlist! Old Fashion is the name of the bar in Finding Serenity and many of these songs are played there. 

Author's Note for Finding Serenity 

This story is based off of a very long, vivid dream I had back in October 2018. I’m blessed to have incredible dreams, and I’m honored to take you into this world I got to live in for a night. 


For many years of my life, I knew pain better than I knew happiness. I became far too intimately familiar with the heavy emotions of life. Years, literally years of my life, I was stuck in this endless feeling of darkness. I felt like I was drowning in tar, and I didn’t see how it could possibly end. 


Eventually, the dark cloud that had so thickly been above me started to fade away. It wasn’t instantaneous, but when that darkness lifted it felt like I was seeing color and light again after years of being stuck in the dark. 


I never thought I could do that emotion justice, that I could never fully put into words how it felt for me to go from despair to hope, from pain to relief, from depression to joy, from loneliness to love, from struggle to peace. As it turns out, I struggled to describe that feeling because I was trying to do so in too short-handed of a way. 


Although this story isn’t about me, this story is my heart. I have known pain and grief. I know how it feels to be lost. I know how it feels to be afraid to let joy back into your life because you’re afraid it won’t last. 


But what if it does last? What if you open your heart and wonderful things happen? 


Writing, music, animals, time in nature, family, friends, my soulmate, and a whole fuck-lot of love are how I found my way back. Because I wanted a way to fully express how this feeling feels, this story is about that point in life when the dark clouds finally start to lift and life fills with color once again. It is a feeling of pure joy, it is radical love, it is serenity. 


To whoever is reading this, wherever you are in life, whether it be a high or a low or a phase somewhere between those, I hope love finds you in unexpected ways. I hope you find serenity. 

Finding Serenity is a story of love, loss, self-discovery, and learning to find the pieces of serenity that exist everywhere, in everyday life. 

Book Summary

After Natasha suddenly and unexpectedly loses her best friend, Phil, she drops her entire life. She leaves San Diego, California for an indefinite trip to Rosewood, Washington, a trip she and Phil had always planned to take together. She’s off to explore the scenic area, but more importantly, to visit the record label her grandfather and his best friend founded when they were young.


Stricken by her immense grief, Natasha is desperate for a moment of peace, a pause button on life for her to catch her breath. She hopes the trip and the change of scenery will help bring back some joy, peace, and clarity into her life.


While hoping for self-discovery, and she’s also searching for answers about her family’s past and their history with this place. Natasha did not set out on her trip searching for love, but love has unexpected ways of finding her. 

A Mood Board / Inspiration Photos I Saved For This Book 

a google maps screenshot I took (a real place in Washington state.)

Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at 5.16.15 PM.png

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IG art by


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poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye

poem do not weep.PNG

I don't any of these photos. I just had them saved as inspiration while I wrote this book. 

Stay tuned for more!

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